Sunday, June 22, 2008

Animals Exploitation

I've been wondering, life in general, has anyone really think about? Has anyone ever think about the beautiful nature God created for us is to treasure, to love and not to exploit?

When a close friend sent me a few links to tell me how the world in humans are behaving now,it shocked and troubled me very much. How in the world are we to behave like this? God created living things with love and never did He use exploitation on us. The word 'Test" comes in many forms. He tested us in many ways. But never did we tested on the animals He created.

Some scenes in the links provided may be disturbing to some. I apologise if it may caused discomfort to you.

After seeing all these footages, my heart really cry out to these animals. How much and how far can I go. Sometimes, I wish i can turn back the clock to the stage whereby I am still single and full of means to go and venture into the wildlife to save the animals. If only I can, I will go all the way out to stop and protect.

1 comment:

Norris said...


been reading your blog. I am sure it is possible if we all both spread the words and do all the best we can for the animals.

Though I am in UK, I been following up your blog constantly.
2 thumbs up for your work. Keep the good work going.